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Menina planina

Discover the secret peak of Tuhinj Valley.

Visit the world of alpine pastures

The name “Menina” derives from the fact that the area was owned by the monks (menihi in Slovene) of the Benedictine order from Gornji Grad.

A border between Styria and Carniola

Menina Planina, which is also a symbolic border between Carniola and Styria, is the place to go if you are searching a peaceful mountain world. The hike towards the highest peak of the plateau, Vivodnik (1,508 m) is among the most popular. Nearby, a mountain lodge is located.

Menina Plateau is a sub-alpine Karst plateau, featuring numerous caves. Among the most interesting is Jespa, a 30-metre deep collapse doline/cave. Its special feature is hidden nooks where snow and ice can be found all year – due to the inversion. While northern slopes of the plateau are covered by mixed forest, the south boasts extensive pastures. There are numerous hiking trails on the alp, allowing easy access to the peaks and other spots. If you head to Menina from Tuhinj Valley, you can choose among several marked footpaths.


The alp is full of sinkholes, dolines and pools, which make it ideal for grazing, since animals had access to water. Make sure you do get wet as well, while hiking on the mountain.